We have 4 major independent types of Inventory transactions:

1. The Inventory Census, used at the beginning of each fiscal year to add quantities and costs per item.

2. The Inventory IN, used to add quantities and costs per item after the beginning of each fiscal year.

3. The Inventory OUT, used to remove quantities and costs per item after the beginning of each fiscal year.

4. The Inventory MOVEMENT, used to transfer quantities from one Warehouse to another.

Just like every other Business Document (and GL Batch) Inventory Business Documents(IBD) can be POSTED or NOT POSTED.

When a IBD is POSTED the procedure BP_Inventory_post_private(LOCAL p_sPK is string,LOCAL p_sUserPK is string,p_sErrorMessage is string)is called to create records in the table tInventoryTransaction and update the SUM tables with the call to BP_Inventory_SUM_private(LOCAL p_tInventoryTransaction is Record of tInventoryTransaction,LOCAL p_nTouched is int, p_sErrorMessage is string)


Don't confuse POST with POST to GL - POSTs must always be done before POSTs to GL.

You can unPOST an IBD as long as it NOT Posted to GL - if Posted to GL you must first have to unPost it from GL and then unPOST the IBD.

You cannot Delete or Edit a POSTED IBD - you need to UNPOST it before editing or deleting.