Every Purchase Payment entity is represented by 2 tables:

  • the bBusinessDocument table that has fields [or information] common for all Sales and Purchase documents, like TransactionDate, Numbering, Posting, Currency etc.

Every bBusinessDocument table has a field named sBusinessObjectFK_PST, that relates it to a record from the bBusinessObject table.

This record controls printing forms, online posting etc and through the bBusinessObject.nBusinessObjectRole field the type of transaction(s) created when we post the Purchase Payment Object. For Reporting issues, the bBusinessObject.nBusinessObjectRole field is also assigned to the bBusinessDocument.nBusinessObjectRole_PST field.

  • the bPurchaseAP table that has fields [or information] specific to Purchase Payments, like Party, Party Branch, Invoice Amount etc.

the 2 tables above have a 1 to 1 relation through the use of bBusinessDocument.sBusinessDocumentPK and bPurchaseAP.sBusinessDocumentFK fields - one [and only one] bBusinessDocument record for every bPurchaseAP record is created.

Note that bPurchaseAP.sBusinessDocumentFK is both a PK and a FK (to a bBusinessDocument record).

  • To handle the actual payments of a Purchase Payment we use the table: bBusinessDocument_PaymentLine

Just Note that these tables are related to the bBusinessDocument table and not the bPurchaseAP table.

"Around" the tables of this entity, are various Dimension tables [like gPaymentBook], connected by FKs.

You can find more information about the entity in the WX Analysis [or the SQL Schema].