All alpha360 WL projects share the same UI Framework - a simple, user friendly, stable and beautiful UI.

It is a multi tabbed flat UI, based on the "classic" browse/form paradigm and in v2 it comes with many new features - among them is the inclusion of automatic access control at the "heart of the UI".

If you are a WINDEV programmer, you probably already know and understand the "classic" way of working with windows and forms in WD (or WEBDEV or WD Mobile).


Create a window, copy fields from your analysis, write some code to retrieve your data and add code for your CRUDE operations inside the window - of course there are many variations to the above, but this is the main idea. If your projects are rather small, this will work just fine.


But if your projects are growing larger and larger every day and you need to target many different platforms, this is not the way to do things.

And if you want to use Dynamic TABs in your apps [available from WD v20], you have to do a lot of work - we know it, we have been through it.

We introduced v1 of the UI - now called alpha360 UI Framework - with v1 of the alpha360 ERPs.

Because we started developing it with WD v20 - where Dynamic TABs where rather "buggy and incomplete" - it took us a lot of time to "work around bugs - or what we thought was bugs" and didn't have the time to complete all the desired features.

The UI framework that is included in alpha360 Retail [v2] is now in its second release - it is stable, it has many-many new features and the code is simple, easy to understand and above all VERY EASY to use. If you set aside, a few lines of difficult code, that you can ignore and treat as a "black box", everything else is as simple as the "classic" Open() code in WD.

And all the above with 90% LESS CODE than v1 ...